About us - find out what we're about !
Hello !
Having been submerged in the world of vintage watches through our jobs we decided to start a business devoted to selling mechanical vintage watches that are fairly attainable to most people.
In the late 70's and early 80's the Swiss watch industry was hit with something called the quartz crisis and because of this a large number of brands either went bankrupt or had to move away from the way they were originally making watches in order to survive.
We love watches of brands that either don't exist anymore or brands that make watches in a different way today than what they used to do.
We collect these watches and have them checked to see that they function properly and or have them serviced and then we list them onto our social media, our website or expose them at any of the number of events we host throughout the year.
Our price range is wide and that is what is fun about this, we have mechanical vintage watches ranging from CHF 200 to CHF 3000 and more.
You're buying a watch with us because you love the look of it, or the story behind it is interesting and you'll have an anecdote when someone asks you about it, and more than anything you love to wear it without it costing an arm and a leg.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or any watches for sale by whatsapp or message on +41799203585.
See you around !